Creating conditional survey questions gives admins the ability to specify relevant questions to specific users or teams, while still housing the data within the same survey. This creates the ability to make the survey more granular and reflect specific information pertaining to a multitude of topics or teams within one survey, as well as create follow-up questions to gain more insights on responses.
Within each question, you will be able to specify conditions by adding display rules, meaning that if the conditions are met, then the question will be displayed. A tooltip will be displayed to remind you that once a display rule has been set, any question rotations will be disabled.
Table of Contents:
Demographic rules
Question rules
Disabled question rotation
Frequently asked questions
Types of conditional survey questions
Demographic rules
You can select specific demographic rules for a question to ensure that it is only applicable to individuals within those specified demographic groups. You can decide to include as many demographic filters as necessary. As this would be included as an OR logic, if you select multiple filters, any user that fulfills the criteria of either filter would be able to view and answer the question.
Question rules
Question rules can only be applied to multiple-choice questions and questions with scales. Only one question rule can be applied per question. The following conditions are available to be specified:
is exactly (all required answers must be selected)
- E.g. A, B, C ⇒ A, B, C have to be all selected
is one of (any combination of required answers must be selected)
- E.g. A, B, C⇒ either A, or B, or C is selected
contains (multiple choice only)
- E.g. the answer can be: A, B, C or A, B, C, D or A, B, C, D, E, F ( A, B, C all have to be included in the answer)
does not contain (is not one of)
- E.g. A, B, C⇒ the answer can be: D, E or D, E, F, or E, F or D, F ( A, B, C all have to be excluded in the answer)
- E.g. the answer can be: D or D, E or D, E, F or E, F, or A, B, C, D, or A, B, D, F or A, D, E
- is not exactly (is not the selection)
The logic between the demographic rule and question rule is AND. Therefore a user who satisfied the demographic filter and question rule would be able to see the relevant follow-up question.
When creating conditional rules for questions, you can create a follow-up question that only relates to users who satisfy the question display rules. Therefore making it linked to a specific question. In this way, once a question rule is satisfied, the follow-up question will come immediately afterward, in order to gain more insights into the response.
Currently, you can only create one level of nesting for conditions. Meaning that if conditions are met on one question (parent), then follow-up questions can be displayed based on that condition being met (child). However, you cannot create a condition for the follow-up question to trigger displaying further questions (linking a child question to another child question). When participating in the survey, the progress bar will be dynamically triggered for each user based on the number of relevant questions.
The survey preview will not apply demographic filters (so they will all be visible in the preview for admins/survey owners), however, there will be a warning explaining that a display rule is attached to the question, and it may not be visible to all users.
Disabled question rotation
When display rules are enabled, the ability to enable question rotation will be disabled. Due to the fact that some questions will only be displayed based on the condition requirements, disabling the question rotation ensures that the order of the linked questions will not be disrupted.
Visibility within the Heatmap/List/Comment/or multiple-choice view of conditional questions will be based on the visibility settings determined. For example, if a demographic filter is set to only include a specific team, and managers have access to the results of their team, then only managers of that team specified in the display rule of the question, would have access to the results of that question.
Please note: You will not see which question had condition in the Survey Analytics. However, you can check this by going back to your survey questions and seeing the hint.
Frequently asked questions
1. How do I know which questions have display rules associated with them?
If conditional rules are applied to a question, then an icon will be visible at the front of the question during setup and in analytics, letting you know that the question has conditional rules associated with it. Additionally, you will see the conditional question with a question rule below the previous question, following the condition rules you’ve set up.
2. When will changes to display rules be visible? Can I make changes during an active survey round?
If you want to make changes, these need to be done in between survey rounds. After a round has been closed, but the next round has not been started yet. Changes to a conditional rule will only affect future rounds and not active rounds.