Leapsome offers many types of exports to allow users to look at and analyze data in various ways that fits the needs of their organization.
If you want to learn how to run these exports, please check out our Success Centre article here Exporting Data from Leapsome.
This article offers some context behind some of the information provided by exports in Leapsome.
Table of Content
Understanding export data in Reviews
Understanding export data in Surveys
Understanding export data in Learning Paths
Understanding export data in Goals
Understanding export data in Meetings
Understanding export data in Instant Feedback
Understanding export data in Competency Framework
Understanding export data of Users
Understanding export of One-time Passwords
Understanding export data in Reviews
For any particular review cycle, you can export the submitted answers, scores and status by going to 'Reviews' > 'Cycles' > select your target review cycle > 'Actions' > choose one of the three export options.
Export Answers
All users in Leapsome are assigned an individual user ID. 'Export Answers' exports information like questions and answers submitted by each participant of the review (reviewee, peer, primary and additional managers and direct reports).
To extract and match the corresponding name and question data in the export files, we recommend using the VLOOKUP function in Excel.
Export Scores and Status
This export action is relevant to get an overview of different scores and statuses in the review cycle.
As all deadlines in the Leapsome platform are soft deadlines, this export can be particularly helpful for you to identify users who may still need to complete their respective actions on the Leapsome platform.
The four statuses are typically shown in the export are:
- Incomplete: This is a blanket status that is shown when any of the tasks that need to be done in the review is not done. You can check the details by reading each column in the row to see who's review assessment is missing (the cell will be empty if incomplete). Note: The status ‘Not Started’ will be displayed as 'Incomplete' in the Excel export.
Started: User has clicked and opened their task and they have started writing some responses to their review (all draft versions of review assessments are auto-saved by the platform).
- Completed/Done: User has clicked 'Finalize' after writing their entire review. Users still have the option to go back and edit their review assessment that has been saved.
- Shared: Depending on the visibility setting of the review, review has been shared with the user (by admins/cycle owners/managers).
- Signed: User has received, reviewed and signed the review assessment they received from peers/managers/direct reports.
You might also sometimes see:
- Nomination pending: Users have not nominated peers who will review the reviewee.
Approval pending: Peers have been nominated by reviewee and is awaiting approval from reviewee's manager.
Understanding export data in Surveys
When you export your Survey results as an Excel, you will be able to see:
- N = no. of participants, organized by teams
- AVG = Average score for a specific question for a specific group
- STG = Statistical Significance
We want to ensure that you only see results that are relevant. You will, therefore, only see scores for questions and categories that have gathered a certain number of responses. When downloading comments, if the anonymity threshold is not met, information about the commenter's team will be anonymized. Please note that while we strive to show stable results early on, results may fluctuate a bit during the first days of the survey round. You will see robust results once the survey round is closed.
- NPS = Net Promoter Score
Understanding export data in Learning Paths
For the Learning paths analytics, you can export the 'Users' or the 'Learning Paths' tab.
When you go to 'Analytics' > 'Learning' from the menu bar on the left-hand side and select the 'Users' tab > click on 'Actions' > 'Export to Excel', you can see all users in the organization and the learning paths they are enrolled in, the enrollment date, along with their completion status and if not completed, their progress percentage.
When you go to 'Analytics' > 'Learning' and select the 'Learning paths' tab > click on 'Actions' > 'Export to Excel', you can see all the learning paths in your organization, learning path name, number of users enrolled, number of users in progress, number of completed users and average progress of all users in that learning path.
Understanding export data in Goals
In the Goals module, you have the option to export goals, key results and team initiatives based on selected filters for Business goals (company goals, team/department goals or personal goals) or Personal Development goals.
You can export them by going to 'Goals' > 'All goals' > 'Actions' > 'Export'.
The export Excel will have many columns and labels:
- Goal/Key Result: This column will identify goals, or specifically if there are key results associated with the goal.
- Goal Purpose: Business or Personal development goal
- Linked competency(-ies): Any goals that have specific competencies attached to them in Leapsome will be included in the export. The text of the skill will be in the language of the user who is doing the export.
- Goal Cycle: If the goal is tagged to a goal cycle, export will indicate the name of the goal cycle too.
- Parent goal name and ID
- Status: This column will either say 'Active' if the individual goal or the associated goal cycle is active or 'Frozen' if the individual goal or the associated goal cycle is archived.
- Confidence: This column shows the progress sentiment of the goal in question. It will show 'Canceled', 'Off track', 'Delayed', 'On track' or 'Done'.
- Progress
- Metric: This column will show what kind of metric was used to track these goals. It will show 'Yes/no', 'Percentage', 'Numerical' or 'Currency'
- Current
- Target
- Weight
- Type
- Owner name (or team), Owner ID, Owner email
- Managed by, managed by ID, Managed by email
- Creation date
- Deadline
- Description
- Last Update: This column will show the latest date where there was any update posted on the goals. This helps admins and managers ensure that users are constantly updating their progress for accurate reflection of progress/problem identification and resolution regarding goal achievement within the expected timeline.
- Tags
- Contributors
Understanding export data in Meetings
Leapsome offers users an easy way to export all their meetings in one place. You can find this option by going to 'Personal Settings' > scroll down to the end > 'Export Meetings'. This export will include all active and deactivated meetings.
This export will include Title, Participants, Date of the meeting, Talking points, and Action items added to this meeting.
If any user has left your organization and their Leapsome account has been deleted, they will show up as 'Deleted user' under participants.
Understanding export data in Instant Feedback
You are able to display your organization's public Praises shared between employees using our Praise Wall feature. This feature has to be enabled by your admins under 'Settings' > 'Module Settings' > 'Instant Feedback' > 'Praise Wall' section > 'Activate the Praise Wall'.
The praise wall auto-shuffles all the public praises (praises with visibility 'Everybody').
Understanding export data in Competency Framework
You can export your organization's existing competency framework by going to 'Company' > 'Competencies' > 'Actions' > 'Import/Export'.
If you are just starting with Leapsome, this button will download the template of the competency framework for you to customize for your organization, teams and roles.
If you already have a version of the competency framework uploaded, this button will export the existing version of the competency framework for your organization.
The export will show all competencies, what category they belong to if they are team-specific competencies or not, and the competency's name and description in all languages that have been submitted. The platform will create columns for translations (indicated with a two-letter abbreviation) if there is at least one instance of any skill for any level that has a translated version saved in the platform.
Understanding the export data of Employees
When you navigate to 'Company' > 'Employees' > 'Actions' > 'Export employees', the button will download an Excel file will all of the employee information recorded on the Leapsome platform.
The export will show columns like:
- Leapsome ID: This column shows the unique user ID assigned to each user of Leapsome.
- External ID: This column refers to the ID assigned to the user if your company uses an HRIS system like Personio or BambooHR.
- First Name
- Last Name
- Title
- Email (mandatory)
- Phone: This field is particularly important if you wish to invite survey participants through SMS.
- Teams
- Manager Email: This field is particularly important to ensure correct reporting lines are established for your organization and teams.
- Birthday: This field is particularly important if you wish to use Slack integration for birthday celebrations.
- Platform Language: This field shows what the user chose as their language of preference for the Leapsome platform.
Status: This field shows if a user account has been:
- 'invited': If user's email has been sent an account activation email
- 'active': If a user has accepted their account activation email or
- 'deactivated': If a user has left the organization as indicated in the HRIS system or if admin has deactivated their account manually in Leapsome
Any other custom attributes: You may have this set up either in your HRIS system or Leapsome.
Understanding the export of One-time Passwords
If your users are experiencing issues logging into Leapsome, we also offer an alternative of One-time Passwords. Exporting the one-time passwords will invalidate all previously created one-time passwords for users who have not signed up yet.
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