In this article, you’ll find best-practice examples for a competency framework in Leapsome. Our best-practice competency framework has been put together by our organizational psychologists, who have taken into account best practices from leading organizations across industries.
Feel free to use and modify the competency framework according to your needs. In general, we advise following the MECE principle (mutually exclusive, collectively exhaustive) when developing competencies and not including more than a maximum of 15 competencies in total (for review participants, giving comprehensive feedback may take about 5 minutes per competency). If you’d like, you can also import the whole best-practice competency framework into your Leapsome account.
General Competency Framework
If you’d like to work with general competencies that will be applicable across teams, we recommend looking at our general best-practice competency framework below. We’ve defined important general competencies for five different levels, including people management and an expert role. Feel free to use our best-practice resource to inspire your own competency framework.
Team-specific Competency Frameworks
If you’d like to introduce team-specific competency framework, we recommend looking at our best-practice team-specific competency framework below (updated on an ongoing basis, more frameworks will be introduced soon).
Competency Framework for Software Engineers
Competency Framework for Marketing Managers
Competency Framework for Customer Success Managers
Competency Framework for Human Resource Managers / Generalists
Importing best-practice Competency Frameworks
If you would like to use our best-practice templates and add them to your Leapsome platform, please follow the steps detailed below:
1) In your Leapsome platform, navigate to the ‘Skills’ in the bottom left corner.
Setting up skills for the first time
2a) If you’re setting up skills for the first time (and haven’t worked with them in the Leapsome platform before), you can delete all of the existing skills that Leapsome added by default and upload the new competency frameworks by navigating to ‘Import / Export’ > ‘then upload your file.’ Please use the formatted google sheet files listed below for the upload (and decide first if you’d like to work with a general competency frameworks or team-specific competency frameworks). Ensure that the level and, if you’re working with team-specific frameworks, team descriptions fit your descriptions. Make edits where necessary.
Using skills already in Leapsome
2b) If you’ve already worked with skills in the Leapsome platform, you might want to make minor changes or add level descriptions for your existing skills. In these cases, we’d recommend not to upload the whole framework but rather make adjustments directly in the platform (as otherwise, the upload might lead to duplicates). You can also export your current competency frameworks, make adjustments in the Excel file, and import it again. If you want to start from scratch, you can, of course, delete your old skills and follow the steps outlined in 2a). Any change in existing skills will affect past, active, and future reviews.
Note: if you’d like to work with team-specific competency frameworks, we recommend not working with a general competency frameworks at the same time. You can still include company values as general “skills” that will then be pulled into the reviews for everyone.
Import: General Competency Framework
Import: Competency Framework for Software Engineers
Import: Competency Framework for Marketing Managers
Import: Competency Framework for Customer Success Managers
Import: Competency Framework for Human Resource Manager / Generalist