If a goal passed a deadline it can be archived in order to keep your goal list up to date. Goals can be archived by admins as well as the goal owners.
If you open a goal, click the 'Actions' button on the top-right corner followed by 'Archive', the specific goal will be archived. An archived goal cannot be updated anymore.
Super-Admins can archive goals in bulk by selecting the goals that should be archived and clicking on 'Archive' on the top-right.
Please note: Goals will not be automatically archived after their deadline passes. Goal deadlines are soft, and a goal will remain active/modifiable even after its due date. A goal will need to be archived manually unless the goal has been a part of a goal cycle, where the option 'Automatically archive goals when cycle ends' is enabled.
Archived goals can be activated again by opening them and clicking 'unlock + reactivate'. In the filter 'State' on the left-hand side menu, you can select the state 'archived' in order to revisit the archived goals.
Unlock + Reactivate archived goals in bulk
You can unlock and reactivate archived goals in bulk. To do so, ensure that the 'States' filter includes archived goals, to view all archived goals. Then select the archived goals by using the selection box next to the goals and click the action 'Unlock + Reactivate' at the top. Or navigate to the archived goal itself, click on 'Actions' > 'Unlock + Reactivate'.
Alternatively, you can also delete the goals you created. To do so, you need to navigate into the goal and click on 'Actions' > 'Delete'.