If you need to upload or change your user data you can bulk update users manually or in a data import. Even if you sync your users via an HRIS integration you have the option to create custom attributes for users that need to be uploaded and updated via an Excel data import. Editing user data via Microsoft Excel (xlsx) is a useful time-saving option.
This article will serve as a step by step guide for the bulk upload:
Step 1: Create your Excel file
Step 2: Update the user data in Excel
Step 3: Upload the Excel
Employee upload preview
1. Create your Excel file
To create your Excel file please navigate to 'Settings' > 'Integrations and imports' > 'Excel imports' > 'Users' > 'Download template'. An Excel file template will be downloaded to your computer. Place your employee data in the file.
2. Update the user data in Excel
When populating the template please follow the provided column format. You now have the option to change the user's data in the Excel file. Keep in mind that all attributes (manager, gender, title, etc.) will be overwritten through the data import except for teams. Teams will be added to the existing teams in Leapsome and can't be deleted through the data import. The email address acts as the unique identifier and matches the existing user in Leapsome.
If you would like to edit the manager of a user, the manager has to be included as a 'user' in the upload file as well. Otherwise, the manager cannot be assigned properly. Because of this, we recommend always downloading a full export of your user base to enter your changes, instead of creating a new Excel file that only contains the users you want to update. When including an additional manager, please ensure that they are listed as a user within the Excel file.
In order to remove data from a specific cell, deleting the current data and leaving the cell blank is not sufficient. In order to remove data from a cell, please replace the current cell content by _reset to remove the current value(s) from Leapsome without a replacement. Please note that this reset functionality is currently not supported for Custom Attributes and the Work Location field.
Please note: All cells need to be formatted as text, not date, standard or similar! This prevents Excel from re-formatting your entered dates, which would lead to an incorrect upload.
3. Upload the Excel
When you have updated the user data in Excel, please use the completed Excel sheet and upload it via 'Settings' > 'Integrations and imports' > 'Excel imports' > 'Users' > 'Upload file'.
Please note: By default, the Excel import only adds new teams to a user and does not remove teams already added in Leapsome. By choosing "overwrite team assignment", the import overwrites any existing team assignments in Leapsome with the teams assigned in the import file. This does not apply to Leapsome-generated auto-teams ('Manager (Auto)' and 'Non-Manager (Auto)') and users where the teams attribute is empty.
After uploading the Excel sheet, changes and edits will automatically be applied to your users in Leapsome.
Employee upload preview
When you upload your employees to Leapsome via an Excel file, you'll see a preview of all the data that's about to be input into your Leapsome account. The preview opens up an opportunity to review whether all of the employee data is correct, whether there are any missing details, and whether you can expect any errors with the upload.
If any errors or invalid details are included in the uploaded file, you'll see the corresponding warning messages next to the affected users in the preview table. Alternatively, you can simply filter the preview for statuses 'Valid', 'Warning' or 'Error'.