Analyzing your survey results is only the first step. With our post-survey action recommendation and planning feature, you can implement best-practice recommendations (or your own ideas) to improve engagement and build even better workplaces. If many of your employees work in remote settings, this blog article can provide you with some ideas on how to increase their engagement.
Based on your survey results, Leapsome automatically prioritizes best-practice recommendations for the questions / areas that have the highest impact on engagement (or whichever area is chosen for the impact driver analysis). Action plans are recommended based on the score and the impact of relevant questions.
Action plans can be created by clicking on the survey, opening the 'Action Plans’ tab and clicking on Actions > Create a new action plan. Super admins and survey owners/managers can set up action plans for individuals or teams or for the entire company. Other users like Admins, HRBPs, Team-leads, managers and normal users can only set up individual action plans with one or multiple owners.
Here you can choose from our best-practice recommendations or implement your own ideas. To use a best-practice recommendation, simply click on 'Show Details' to read about a specific recommendation in more detail. Below is an example of a recommendation to improve diversity in the company.
For each recommendation - whether it is your own or a best-practice recommendation - you can easily add a description, assign users and / or teams, an owner, and a due date. Furthermore, you can define who can see the action items in the visibility tab (e.g., that only members of the assigned team are able to see this). Please note that only all survey owners and super admins can see all action items that were created based on the respective survey, as well as see best practice recommendations of action plans. After setting up the action item, click 'Create Action Plan' to finalize it.
The set-up action plans will show up in the survey's 'Action Plans' tab. Users and/or teams who have been assigned to this will be able to comment on the progress, and the action plans will stay on the platform until the owner has marked them as completed.
For ideas on creating an employee engagement action plan, check out this guide.