Review analytics can provide valuable information and decision support for calibration meetings, promotion discussions, upper management reporting, talent management, and staffing. This article presents concrete use cases for HR and describes the filters needed to answer your questions.
Calibration Meeting
I need to see which managers rated their teams higher / more strictly
I need to see whether there are discrepancies in the assessments per perspective
I need to see whether there are discrepancies in ratings between teams / genders
I need to compare a specific perspective across all teams
I need to see the overall distribution of results
Promotion discussions
I need to see an employees trajectory
I need to see how promotion candidates are doing against the rest of their peers
Report review results to upper management
I need to give a high-level overview of the distribution of results
I need to show who the high performers are
I need to identify high performing and low performing teams
I need to show where we as an organization are doing well and where we have learning potential
Talent Management
I need to get an overall ranking of all employee's assessments
I need to cluster employees in a box grid
I need to identify who we need to provide additional training for
I need to identify competency gaps for a specific employee
I need to see how competencies developed over time
I need to see how the overall performance developed over time
I need to identify which employees' we should put effort into keeping
I need to see which trainings / further educations actually improved competencies over time
I need to see who is best equipped to do a certain project or role
Calibration Meeting
Goal: Ensure ratings are fair
Please find general information on how to run a calibration meeting here.
I need to see which managers rated their teams higher / more strictly
- Navigate to 'Reviews'>' Analytics'
- Remove existing filters, if needed.
- Filter by 'Review Cycle'> Select the relevant cycle
- Filter by 'Perspective'> Select 'Manager Assessment'
- Segment results by 'Manager of the reviewee' and Group results by 'Category,' 'Question / Competency,' or 'Total' (we suggest 'Total')
I need to see whether there are discrepancies in the assessments per perspective
Note: A 'perspective' means who wrote the assessment for that person. For example, the 'Manger perspective' means the scores a manager gave to their direct report, where a 'Peer perspective' represents the scores peers gave to a peer they were reviewing.
Suppose you would like to compare the total score received by each employee from each perspective (i.e., compare the total score from their manager against the scores from themselves, their peers, or their direct reports). In that case, please do the following:
- Go to 'Review' > 'Analytics'
- Filter by 'Review Cycle'> Select the relevant cycle(s) you wish to compare
- Filter by 'Perspectives' > Select (first) 'Self assessments'
- Optional: Filter by 'Teams' or 'Users'> Select a specific team or user (if relevant)
- Segment results by 'Reviewee' (or 'Team' if you wish you compare for teams, not individuals)
- Group results by 'Category,' 'Question / Competency,' or 'Total' (we recommend 'Total' first, and if not, 'Category' to provide a larger picture)
- Export the results to Excel
- Do that process three more times, filtering each time for the next perspective until you have four Excel sheets, each showing the data, respectively, from the self, manager, peer, and direct report assessments
- Merge the sheets into one to compare the competency scores from each perspective for each individual
Within Leapsome, you can compare, in total, the scores given in any manager, peer, direct report, or self-assessment. Here is how to do that in the heatmap and radar charts:
- Go to 'Reviews' > 'Analytics'
- Filter by 'Review Cycle'> Select the relevant cycle(s)
- Optional: Filter by 'Teams' or 'Users'> Select a specific team or user (if relevant)
- Segment results by 'Perspective'
- Group results by 'Category,' 'Question / Competency' or 'Total'
Shown below is an example filtered to see the 'Product and Engineering' team's scores. We can see managers, on average, gave a slightly higher rating to team members than the team members gave themselves.
- Navigate to 'Reviews' >' Analytics' > 'Radar' tab
- Filter by 'Review Cycle'> Select the relevant cycle
- Optional: Filter by 'Teams' or 'Users'> Select a specific team or user
- Group results by 'Category' or 'Question / Competency'
- Optional: Enable comparison group
Each colored line represents a different perspective, so you can directly compare how managers v. peers, etc., gave scores. The legend at the bottom of the radar will indicate which line represents which perspective, as will hovering over the line.
I need to see whether there are discrepancies in ratings between teams / genders
- Navigate to 'Reviews' > 'Analytics' > 'Heatmap' tab
- Filter by 'Review Cycle' > Select the relevant cycle
- Segment results by 'Team of the reviewee' or 'Gender of the reviewee'
- Group results by 'Category,' 'Question / Competency' or 'Total' (we suggest 'Total' or 'Category')
You can then see discrepancies in the ratings – if the numbers are vastly different, you may want to investigate rating practices or run a calibration meeting.
I need to see the results from a specific perspective across all teams
- Navigate to 'Reviews' > 'Analytics' > 'Heatmap' tab
- Filter by 'Review Cycle' > Select the relevant cycle
- Filter by 'Perspective' > Select one of: 'Manager Assessments,' OR 'Peer Assessments,' OR 'Direct Report Assessment,' OR Self Assessments' (e.g., if you want to compare manager scores for each team, you would choose 'Manager Assessments')
- Segment results by 'Team of the reviewee'
- Group results by either 'Category,' 'Question / Competency,' or 'Total'
I need to see the overall distribution of results
- Navigate to 'Reviews' > 'Analytics' > 'Distribution' tab
- Filter by 'Review Cycle' > Select the relevant cycle
- Optional: Filter by 'Teams' > Select a specific team
Each bar shows the number of people who received an average score within that bucket (i.e., 4.0-4.9).
Promotion discussions
Goal: Make a fair and data-based decision on who should be promoted.
I need to see an employees trajectory.
- Navigate to 'Reviews '> 'Analytics' > 'Timeline'
- Filter by 'Review Cycle' > Select the relevant cycle
- Filter by 'Timeframe' > Select the relevant timeframe
- Filter by 'Users' > Select the relevant user(s)
- Group results by 'Category,' 'Question / Competency' or 'Total' (we suggest 'Total')
The resulting line will show you how the competency ratings for that person have changed over time between reviews.
I need to see how promotion candidates are doing against the rest of their peers
- Navigate to 'Reviews'>' Analytics'> Heatmap tab
- Filter by 'Review Cycle'> Select the relevant cycle
- Filter by 'Users' > Select the relevant promotion candidate(s) and the relevant peer(s)
- Segment results by 'Reviewee'
- Group results by 'Category,' 'Question / Competency,' or 'Total' (we suggest 'Category' or 'Total')
The promotion candidates will be listed next to the comparison employees. Ideally, you would see they have higher ratings.
- Navigate to 'Reviews'>' Analytics'> Box tab
- Filter by 'Review Cycle'> Select the relevant cycle
- Filter by 'Users' > Select the relevant promotion candidate(s) and the relevant peer(s)
- X-Axis: Total Average or the relevant competency / category
- Y-Axis: Total Average or the relevant competency / category
Hover over the dots to see names and to see where the promotion candidates are in comparison
- Navigate to 'Reviews'>' Analytics'> Radar tab
- Filter by 'Review Cycle'> Select the relevant cycle
- Filter by 'Users'> Select the relevant promotion candidate
- Group results by 'Category,' 'Question / Competency' or 'Total'
- Enable comparison group
- Filter by 'Review Cycle'> Select the relevant cycle
- Filter by 'Users' or 'Teams'> Select the relevant peer(s) or whole team(s) you wish to compare them to (read more about the radar comparison here)
Ideally, the promotion candidates will have higher scores in most competencies than their counterparts.
Report review results to upper management
Goal: Inform C-Level management of outcome of reviews
I need to give a high-level overview of the distribution of results
- Navigate to 'Reviews'>' Analytics'> Heatmap tab
- Filter by 'Review Cycle'> Select the relevant cycle
- Segment results by 'Team of the reviewee' or 'Manager of the reviewee'
- Group results by 'Total'
I need to show who the high performers are
- Navigate to 'Reviews'>' Analytics'> Box tab
- Filter by 'Review Cycle'> Select the specific cycle
- Optional: Filter by 'Teams' > Select the relevant team
- X-Axis: 'Total Average'
- Y-Axis: 'Total Average'
Hover over the dots to see the names of who is at the top and bottom.
- Navigate to 'Reviews'>' Analytics'> Heatmap tab
- Filter by 'Review Cycle'> Select the specific cycle
- Optional: Filter by 'Teams' > Select the relevant team
- Segment results by 'Reviewee'
- Group results by 'Total'
The darker color and higher-numbered scores show the higher performers.
I need to identify high performing and low performing teams
- Navigate to 'Reviews'>' Analytics'> Heatmap tab
- Filter by 'Review Cycle'> Select the specific cycle
- Segment results by 'Team of the reviewee'
- Group results by 'Total,' 'Category,' or 'Question / Competency'
I need to show where we as an organization are doing well and where we have learning potential
- Navigate to 'Reviews'>' Analytics'> Heatmap tab
- Filter by 'Review Cycle'> Select the specific cycle
- Segment results by 'Team of the reviewee'
- Group results by 'Category' or 'Question / Competency'
The lighter and lower-numbered boxes show gaps in the competencies of that team – these may be areas for training or manager support.
- Navigate to 'Reviews'>' Analytics'> Radar tab
- Filter by 'Review Cycle'> Select the specific cycle
- Optional: Filter by perspective
- Group results by 'Question / Competency' or 'Category'
The competencies with dots closer to the middle represent lower scores and are thus the areas for improvement.
Talent Management
Goal: Find out who are high performers, who has potential, and who has improvement areas
I need to get an overall ranking of all employee's assessments
- Navigate to 'Reviews'>' Analytics'> Heatmap tab
- Filter by 'Review Cycle' > Select the specific cycle(s)
- Segment results by 'Reviewee'
- Group results by 'Total'
- Navigate to 'Reviews'>' Analytics'> Box tab
- Filter by 'Review Cycle' > Select the specific cycle(s)
- X-Axis: 'Total average'
- Y-Axis: 'Total average'
Hover over the dots to see the names of who is at the top and bottom.
I need to cluster employees in a box grid
If you are creating a potential v. performance grid, please read more here.
- Navigate to 'Reviews'>' Analytics'> Box tab
- Filter by 'Review Cycle'> Select the specific cycle
- Optional: Filter by 'Teams' or 'Users' > Select the specific team(s) or user(s)
- X-Axis: Either' Total average' or the relevant competency/category (e.g., performance)
- Y-Axis: Either' Total average' or the relevant competency/category (e.g., potential)
Hover over the dots to see names.
I need to identify who we need to provide additional training for
- Navigate to 'Reviews'>' Analytics'> Heatmap tab
- Filter by 'Review Cycle'> Select the specific cycle
- Optional: Filter by 'Teams' > Select the specific team
- Segment results by 'Reviewee'
- Group results by 'Question / Competency'
The boxes showing lower numbers / lighter colors represent areas where an employee can improve. For example, you may want to look at the below heatmap and suggest specific competency-based trainings for employees with light / low numbered boxes.
- Navigate to 'Reviews'>' Analytics'> Box tab
- Filter by 'Review Cycle'> Select the specific cycle
- Optional: Filter by 'Teams' > Select the specific team
- X-Axis: Select the relevant competency or category
- Y-Axis: Select the same relevant competency or category
Hover over to see names. Those on the bottom have a lower score for that specific competency.
- Navigate to 'Reviews'>' Analytics'> Box tab
- Filter by 'Review Cycle'> Select the specific cycle
- Optional: Filter by 'Teams' > Select the specific team
- Filter by either 'Question / Competency' or 'Categories'> Select the relevant competency or category
- X-Axis: 'Total average'
- Y-Axis: 'Total average'
Hover over to see names. Those on the bottom have a lower score for that specific competency.
I need to identify competency gaps for a specific employee
- Navigate to 'Reviews'>' Analytics'> Radar tab
- Filter by 'Review Cycle'> Select the specific cycle
- Filter by ‚ 'Users'> Select the specific user
- Group results by 'Question / Competency '
The competencies with dots closer to the middle of the chart are those with lower scores and are thus the areas for improvement. You will also be able to select the relevant perspectives on the legend below the radar, filtering for the 'self-assessment/s' and 'all assessments' perspectives for example.
- Filter by 'Review Cycle'> Select the specific cycle
- Filter by 'Users'> Select the specific user
- Group results by 'Question / Competency'
Notice where there are lighter (lower) scores.
I need to see how competencies developed over time
- Navigate to 'Reviews'>' Analytics'> Timeline tab
- Filter by 'Timeframe'> Select the relevant timeframe
- Filter by 'Teams' or 'Users'> Select the specific team or user
- Optional: Filter by 'Question / Competency' > Select the relevant competency
- Group results by 'Question / Competency'
Each line will then represent one competency and the change in scores for that competency over time.
I need to see how the overall performance developed over time
- Navigate to 'Reviews'>' Analytics'> Timeline tab
- Filter by 'Timeframe'> Select the relevant timeframe
- Filter by 'Teams' or 'Users'> Select the specific team or users
- Group results by 'Total'
The resulting line shows you how that total score for that employee has changed over time.
I need to identify which employees' we should put effort into keeping
Note: Add a private question to the review cycle which targets the potential or directly asks this question
- Filter by 'Review Cycle'> Select the specific cycle
- Optional: Filter by 'Teams' > Select the specific team
- X-Axis: 'Total average'
- Y-Axis: 'Total average'
- Notice who is at the top by hovering over to see names
- Filter by 'Review Cycle'> Select the specific cycle
- Optional: Filter by 'Teams' > Select the specific team
- X-Axis: 'Total average'
- Y-Axis: Question targeting the potential / effort in keeping
- Notice who is at the top by hovering over to see names
I need to see which trainings / further educations improved competencies over time
Goal: Identify effective trainings.
- Filter by 'Timeframe'> Select the relevant timeframe (training start as 'start date')
- Filter by 'Question / Competency'> Select the relevant competencies
- Optional: Filter by 'Teams' or 'Users'> Select the relevant team(s) or user(s) that went through the training
- Group results by 'Question / Competency'
If the line has gone up, you can begin to assume the training was effective. For stronger evidence of if the training's effectiveness, you would want to do the above again, but this time filter to see only the teams / employees who did not complete the training. If the line for the teams that did go through the training has a significantly steeper upward slope, you have good evidence the training was effective.
Goal: Find the employee(s) who would be the right fit for a project / role.
I need to see who is best equipped to undertake a specific project or role
Goal: Guarantee best-fit role allocation for all employees based on a particular set
- Filter by 'Review Cycle'> Select the specific cycle
- Optional: Filter by 'Teams' > Select the specific team(s)
- Filter by 'Question / Competency'> Select the competencies needed for the role
- Segment results by 'Reviewee'
- Group results by 'Question / Competency'
The employee with higher competency ratings for the chosen set would be a good match for the role.
- Filter by 'Review Cycle'> Select the specific cycle
- Optional: Filter by 'Teams' > Select the specific team(s)
- Filter by 'Question / Competency'> Select the relevant competencies
- X-Axis: 'Total average'
- Y-Axis: 'Total average'
The employee (found by hovering over the dot) with higher competency ratings for the chosen set would be a good match for the role.