As an admin, you can control notifications in Leapsome in the notification settings. Here, you can also see what notifications go out, and which ones can be modified.
Table of Contents:
General Notifications
Timing of notifications
Review Notifications
Survey Notifications
Goals/OKR Notifications
Learning Notifications
Compensation Notifications
Meeting Notifications
Instant Feedback Notifications
Q&A Board Notifications
Only invited or active users receive notifications from Leapsome. They will be sent to a user’s email and / or Slack / Microsoft Teams, depending on individual preferences which can be customized in the user's profile settings. Notifications that include tasks for the user will also be displayed under the bell icon at the top of the page. The number next to the bell indicates how many unread notifications you have.
Notifications will continue to appear under the bell icon for every user and will only disappear once they are marked as 'Read'.
The notification dashboard in 'Settings' > 'Automations' > 'Notifications' allows (super)-admins to overview all notifications that went out to every user. Admins can also resend notifications.
Please note the 'send again' button will be greyed out if the notification:
- is in-app only by default
- is outdated (e.g. it’s about a goal cycle that’s already over)
- was dismissed (e.g. because the user has no access to the module)
- is currently being delivered (you will see a hint in that case)
The button is not greyed out if a user has chosen to disable email notifications, so if you click 'send again,’ it will only send the notification according to the notification preferences.
General Notifications
Leapsome invitation: An invitation to Leapsome is sent to the user as an e-mail. Users can activate their accounts via the link in the email.
Leapsome Sign-Up Confirmation Notification: A notification is sent to the users after they accept the invite to join Leapsome and log in for the first time.
New password request: If users forget their passwords, clicking on 'Forgot your password?' will trigger a notification that allows the user to reset their password.
Email change: If users change their email, they get confirmation via email
Birthday Celebration: If enabled, user's celebrations notification will go out in Slack/MS Teams
Anniversary Celebration: If enabled, users's celebration notifications will go out in Slack/MS Teams
Timing of notifications
The dates of the notifications are defined based on the timezone of the user creating the content, and visible dates take the visitors' timezone into account. For notifications where no specific time is defined besides the date, the default time in most cases is 00:00 or 23:59.
If your company operates in multiple timezones, and you have users based on different timezones, the dates for notifications might appear +/- 1 day, depending on the timezone of the user, and what their system timezone is set to.
Please note: If a user has been invited but has not activated their account, their notification timing will be based on the Leapsome account timezone which can be set in the Admin settings.
Approval Notifications
(* = 'Tasks'; ** = 'Notifications' under the bell icon)
A Compensation Proposal Is Waiting For The Users Approval**: Sent to the relevant approver as dictated in the approval flow established in settings.
An Individual Goal Is Waiting For The Users Approval**: Sent to the relevant approver as dictated in the approval flow established in settings.
Daily reminder of pending approvals**: Sent daily to any individual in an approver position within an approval flow that has outstanding items to approve.
Reviews Notifications
(* = 'Tasks'; ** = 'Notifications' under the bell icon)
Review kick-off: All participants of the cycle will be notified as soon as the cycle starts.
Review Daily Digests: Next to the cycle kick-off, notifications start being sent 2 days after kick-off whenever there is a new task for the participant. There are no notifications if there are no new tasks.
The tasks that are included are:
- Review: Daily new tasks*
- Review: Task reminder*
- Review: Write your self-assessment*
- Review: Write an assessment for your manager*
- Review: Nominate your peers*
Review: Discuss and finalize the assessment* (for reviewee; only if a signature is required)
- Review: Discuss your assessment* (for manager; only if a signature is required)
- Review: Select peers for an employee*
- Review: Invite external collaborate as peer* (if enabled by admins in review cycle settings)
Review: Approve the peers for an employee* (sent after the peer nomination deadline passed)
Review: Write a peer assessment*
Review: Write a manager assessment* (for manager and additional managers)
Other informative (= no action required) notifications:
- Review: A peer declined to give feedback
- Review: You have received new (anonymous) feedback
- Review: You have received new feedback
- Review: The manager shared the review*
- Reviews: Direct report completes the self-assessment (direct manager notification)** (sent to primary managers only)
Task Reminders: As a default, participants with open tasks (tasks opened for more than 3 days, and fewer than 75 days) will be notified on Tuesdays. There are no notifications if there are no open tasks. Notifications start being sent at least 2 days after kick-off. Admins of the cycle can customize this frequency and change the day these reminders are sent out.
Review cycle owner (usually the admin) change of status: The following notifications are sent to the review cycle owners to let them know the change of status of their review cycles.
- Review: Kickoff Task Summary**
- Review: Peer nomination phase started**
- Review: Peer approval phase started**
- Review: Peer review phase started**
Review: Self-assessments are in progress**
- Review: Manager review phase started**
- Review: Final discussion phase started**
Please note that Review tasks disappear from the user's notification centre as soon as they have been accomplished or when the review cycle was closed.
Survey Notifications
(* = 'Tasks'; ** = 'Notifications' under the bell icon)
Survey Kick-off*: All participants of the survey will be notified once a survey is started.
Survey Reminder**: This depends on the number of reminders set. However, one will go out two days before the end of the round, and the rest will be evenly spaced between the start of the round and two days before the survey deadline. Reminders will only be sent to participants who still have an open task, meaning they have not completed the survey.
Survey Anonymous Conversation**: A notification will be sent to the user (and owners) whenever there is a new comment in an anonymous conversation.
Survey User got assigned to a Conversation**: A notification goes out to survey respondent letting them know that a user has been assigned to manage conversations/ask for clarifications/create action plans accordingly.
Survey Notification Preview: If a survey admin requests a notification preview of the survey, the platform will send an example of the notification for that survey to their email.
Survey Reaction to comment**: If a survey admin/responsible owners react to a survey comment made by an employee, the employee will be notified about it
Survey Action Items: Based on your survey results, the Leapsome platform automatically prioritizes best-practice recommendations for the questions/areas that have the highest impact on engagement. If action plans are assigned or commented on the following notifications will be sent:
- Survey: Company Action Item created
Survey: Team Action Item created
Survey: Action Item was created for a user**
Survey: Action Item was commented on**
Survey Ended: Based on visibility settings, survey owners and managers will be notified when a survey round closes 24 hours after it closes.
Survey To-Do’s disappear from the user's bell icon as soon as they have been accomplished or when the survey round was closed.
Goal/OKR Notifications
(* = 'Tasks'; ** = 'Notifications' under the bell icon)
New Goal created**: Users will receive a notification when a goal is created for them.
Goal comment received**: A notification is sent to goal owners, managers, and contributors every time a comment has been sent to one of their goals.
Mentioned in a Goal**: Users will receive a notification when they are mentioned in a goal.
Goal Digest: Sent to all users if there have been updates to any of the goals they can see (individual, team, company) or if any other goals haven't been updated in the past 30 days. Users can control the frequency of this digest (daily, weekly, monthly, none) as well as the receiving channel (e.g. slack/MS Teams & email) in their user settings.
Goal Was Approved: The respective users and contributors of the approved goal will be notified about approval.
Goal Was Rejected: The respective users and contributors of the approved goal will be notified about the rejection.
Goal Cycle Kickoff: Participants of the goal cycle will be notified once a goal cycle has been kicked off (runs between 4 am and 6 am UTC).
Goal Cycle Activation Reminder: Sent to participants who haven't attached goals to a cycle that will be frozen when active, and to managers who still need to approve goals.
Goal Cycle Active: Sent to admins to notify them that the goal cycle is active now.
Goal Cycle End Reminder: Sent to all participants a week before the end of the cycle.
Goals: Update digest & reminder: Sent to all users and contributors about goals relevant to them
Goals: Weekly digest on Goals: Users will receive weekly updates on the goals they manage, the goals of their team, and company goals. Besides ensuring that goals are updated regularly, the notification also includes goals that have not been updated in the last 30 days.
Learning Notifications
(* = 'Tasks'; ** = 'Notifications' under the bell icon)
Learning Step Reminder**: Participants of a learning path will receive a notification if the next step is overdue and subsequently every 7 days until the step is completed or skipped.
Learning New Path Unlocked**: Users will receive a notification whenever a new path has been activated for them.
Please note: Admins will not receive this specific notification when they add themselves as participants. This prevents unnecessary notifications being sent to Admins who set up the learning paths and are aware of its activation.
Learning Action Items*: Admins/relevant owners/participants will also receive tasks and notifications like
- Learning Open-ended question response resubmission requested* (for relevant approvers of open-ended question responses)
- Learning Open-ended question response approved** (for learning path participants)
- Learning Open-ended question digest* (for admins/direct managers if they've been marked as approvers)
- Learning: Reminder to participate in Virtual Live Training** (for users who registered to live training)
- Learning: Reminder to participate in In-person Live Training** (for users who registered to live training)
- Learning: Join Live Training* (for users who registered to live training)
Compensation Notifications
(* = 'Tasks'; ** = 'Notifications' under the bell icon)
Cycle Started**: Sent to admins
Digest**: Sent to admins
Potential Budget Usage Calculation Done: Sent to the cycle owner(s) when the budget usage calculation option is exercised
Proposal Phase Started: Sent to Managers that will need to submit proposals as part of the cycle as well as the Cycle Owner
Sign-Off Phase Started: Sent to Managers that will need to submit proposals as part of the cycle as well as the Cycle Owner
Meeting Notifications
(* = 'Tasks'; ** = 'Notifications' under the bell icon)
New Meeting Created**: Sent when someone creates a new meeting. It is sent to all participants of the meeting.
Meeting Reminder**: Sent 2 hours before a meeting to all the participants via slack and/or e-mail. It contains the meeting talking points.
Meeting Action Item Mention*: Sent to users when they are assigned an action item
Meeting Action Item Comment Mention*: Sent to users when users are mentioned in a comment of a talking point
Meeting Shared Notes Mention**: Sent to users who are mentioned in the shared notes section of a meeting.
Instant Feedback Notifications
(* = 'Tasks'; ** = 'Notifications' under the bell icon)
Feedback Request*: Sent to users when someone else has requested their feedback.
Feedback Request Reminder**: Sent to users where someone has requested feedback but feedback has not been offered.
Feedback Received**: Sent when a user receives feedback or praise.
Feedback Comments/Likes**: Sent to sender and receiver whenever a user comments / likes feedback.
Feedback Shared**: Sent to users with whom some feedback has been shared (via the 'Share' button).
Manager notification for direct report feedback received**: Sent to managers whenever their direct reports receive instant feedback (only the feedback that managers have visibility for)
Manager notification for direct report praise received**: Sent to managers whenever their direct reports receive praise
My Company Notifications
(* = 'Tasks'; ** = 'Notifications' under the bell icon)
A Question Was Commented By The Owner**: Sent to users to notify them that the Q&A board owner has responded to your enquiry.
A Question Was Marked As Answered**: Sent to users to notify them that the Q&A board owner has marked your question as having been answered.
A Question Board Question Was Approved**: Sent to users when a question they've submitted has been approved by the Q&A board owner.
A Question Board Question Was Rejected**: Sent to users when a question they've submitted has been rejected by the Q&A board owner.
A new Q&A board was created**: Sent to board members when a new board gets created for the first time.
New questions added (summary)**: Sent to board owners when a new question is added to the Q&A board.
Anonymous Suggestion Submitted*: When a new anonymous suggestion has been made, respective owners assigned to the anonymous suggestion box will get notified.
Anonymous Suggestion New Comment**: When a comment is made in the anonymous suggestion by suggestion box owners, the user who submitted the suggestion is notified.