Some employees in your company might have two (or more) managers, e.g. a dotted line manager in addition to the line manager. Both managers are responsible for the employee's performance and development.
To reflect this, you can set up one or more additional managers in addition to the primary manager.
Adding additional managers
As an admin, you can add additional managers to the 'Employees' list by clicking on 'Edit' next to a user's name, then 'Employment info' > 'Additional managers'. You can also use the CSV / Excel Upload to import additional managers in bulk to users.
Please note that additional managers can currently not be set up via one of our integrations.
Access and visibility rights for primary and additional managers
Just as primary managers, additional managers will be asked to write an assessment for their direct reports whenever you set up a review cycle that includes the manager's perspective. They will be asked to answer the same questions as the primary manager and will have the same visibility rights as the primary manager.
However, the primary manager still has the main responsibility for the employee's review and development talk. Only the primary manager can select and/or approve peers (in a 360° assessment) or share and sign the assessment in the end.
Additional managers can see their dotted line direct reports' results in the review analytics (if the review analytics have been shared with managers).
If enabled, cascading access doesn't apply to additional managers, i.e. the additional manager will see their (dotted line) direct reports' assessments but not their (dotted line) indirect reports' assessments.
Once both, primary and additional managers, complete the assessments for their direct reports, the ‘Manager average’ score at the bottom will include only the primary manager score.
When a user sets up a goal that needs to be approved by their manager the approval request is sent to their primary manager only.
Additional managers can access, update and edit all goals of their dotted line direct reports under 'Your team' or by searching for the user's name in the goals module. If goals require approval, the additional manager's edits will need to be approved by the primary manager.
If enabled, cascading access doesn't apply to additional managers, i.e. the additional manager will see their (dotted line) direct reports' goals but not their (dotted line) indirect reports' goals.
Additional managers can see the survey results of their direct reports if they are shared with them via the survey visibility setting 'Results of direct / indirect reports'.
If enabled, cascading access doesn't apply to additional managers, i.e. the additional manager can see survey results of their (dotted line) direct reports (if shared with them) but not of their (dotted line) indirect reports.
Instant Feedback
If instant feedback is shared with the receiver and their manager, both the primary and the additional manager(s) can see feedback that was given to their (dotted line) direct reports on their direct reports' profiles.
In the compensation module, only the primary manager is asked to submit a compensation proposal. Additionally, if access to the compensation module is granted to managers, this only applies to the primary managers.
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