Step 1 | Launch Leapsome by enabling the Goals module
See our blueprint for Goals and OKRs, specifically the section "OKRs for higher transparency and alignment". Instruct your users to set up their goals - company goals should be set up first by the management, team goals after that by the team leads and lastly individual goals should be set up by each individual owner and/or their manager. As an admin, use goal cycles to manage each goal period (e.g. a quarter).
Step 2 | Enable the Meetings module
After everyone has set up their goals, enable the Meetings module. Every team can set up a recurring (e.g., once a month) meeting to discuss the progress of their team goals. Additionally, managers can set up weekly or bi-weekly 1:1 meetings with their direct reports to discuss goal progress for their individual goals.
Step 3 | Enable the Surveys module to gather feedback from your employees to your company
Set up a recurring survey (e.g. once a month or once every two months) to gather feedback from your employees. Use our best practice questions to measure how satisfied your employees are with the goal alignment and strategy communication next to other engagement dimensions. Track progress over time.
Step 4 | Later on, enable the Reviews, Instant Feedback and Learning modules
Create a holistic performance management system at your company, allow for continuous feedback throughout the year and make targeted learning content available to your employees.