Our platform uses a detailed user rights management approach, allowing you to control who can see and do certain things on the platform.
We distinguish between six different roles:
- Super-Admins
- Admins
- Users with admin rights to specific modules
- Managers
- Team leads
- 'Normal' users
- HRBPs - HR Business Partners
Super administrator ('Super-Admins) - Account owners
This is typically the first user of an account. Additional super admins can be assigned by navigating to 'Company' → 'Employees' → 'Edit' user → 'Role' → 'Primary Role'. Super-admins are able to:
- Assign the (super-) admin status to other users
- Activate or deactivate modules for all or specific users
- Enable optional permissions, such as
- Full access to all assessments for admins
- Full access to all managed goals for admins
- Cascading (indirect report) access to assessments and managed goals for managers
- Cycle setup rights for managers
- Survey setup rights for managers
- Define team-specific access rights
- Super-Admins also have all the rights of admins (see below)
- No visibility of review results for admins would also include super-admins
Usually, when starting with an account as an admin you will be assigned the super-admin roles. If you do not have the correct access rights, please contact our support team using this contact form and we will assist you.
You can assign the super-admin role in Leapsome by navigating to 'Company' → 'Employees' finding the user you would like to give admin or super-admin rights, and clicking 'Edit' next to their name. In the page that opens, click on the tab 'Role' and you will see the field 'Primary role' where you can make an employee a super-admin, admin, or a normal employee; Remember to click 'Save'. The user might have to log out and log back into Leapsome to gain the new access rights.
Administrators ('Admins')
Admin rights can be assigned by super-admins. Admins are able to:
- Manage teams
- Create new teams
- Designate team leads
- View all team reports on the 'Analytics' tab
- Manage users
- Invite new users and re-send invites
- Assign direct reports and team memberships to all users
- Deactivate / delete existing users
- Reactivate users
- Manage skills
- Set, update, and delete company skills
- Set, update, and delete team skill
- Manage Levels
- Create and delete levels
- Assign levels to all users
- Manage 360° and performance assessments
- Set up new cycles
- Manage the default scale for assessments
- Optionally access all assessments (even if they're not owning the cycle)
- Manage goals
- Manage goal tags
- Optionally access all managed goals (even if they're not managing the goal)
- Manage surveys
- Set up surveys
- Manage meetings
- Access meeting analytics
- Manage the platform setup
- Manage integrations (e.g., Slack, Personio, BambooHR, ...)
Importantly, admins cannot view private continuous feedback messages received by other users.
You can assign the admin role for a user for the entire platform in Leapsome by navigating to 'Company' → 'Employees' and finding the user you would like to give admin or super-admin rights to. Click 'Edit' next to their name. In the page that opens, click on the tab 'Role' and you will see the field 'Primary role' where you can make an employee an admin, or a normal employee; Remember to click 'Save'. The user might have to log out and log back into Leapsome to gain the new access rights.
Access or admin rights to specific modules
Super admins can grant or limit user or admin access for different modules to individual users, teams, or locations. This could be useful for cases like:
- Piloting a new module with a subgroup in the company
- Assigning ownership of the OKR module to the OKR champion in the company
- Limiting platform access to 'Surveys' or 'Reviews' for external users.
Admin rights are specified above. Access right means that a user has 'normal' user rights to a specific module. How to assign specific access or admin rights is described in this article.
To assign admin rights for a specific module, navigate to 'Settings' → 'Module & feature settings' select the module you would like to give a person admin rights to.
You will find a field titled 'Grant user(s) as 'module name' admin' where you can enter the name of the user, who you would like to give admin rights to for this module. You only have to type the first few letters for a selection of users to show. Once you have selected a person and updated the access, the name will be highlighted. To delete the admin rights for this person click on the bin symbol next to the name.
Every user that has at least one direct report automatically becomes a 'manager' (of the assigned direct reports). Managers are able to:
- Manage goals
- Manage goals of their direct reports
- View goals of indirect reports (if the setting is enabled by super-admins)
- Manage performance assessments
- Write assessments for their direct reports
- View assessments of their direct reports
- View assessments of their indirect reports (if enabled by super-admins)
- Set up new cycles (if enabled by super-admins)
- Access analytics
- View aggregated instant feedback & meeting analytics for their direct reports
- View instant feedback & meeting analytics for indirect reports (if enabled by super-admins)
- Manage surveys
- Create new surveys (if enabled by super-admins)
Importantly, managers cannot view private feedback messages received by their direct reports.
The manager relationship will be updated automatically if you integrate with an HRIS system.
You can update the manager relations via the Excel upload or make changes manually in the user profile. Therefore you will navigate to 'Company' → 'Employees' click edit on the name next to the user you would like to update and fill in the primary and / or additional manager field and remember to click 'update user information'.
Team Leads
Team leads can be assigned by (super) admins by going into 'Company' → 'Employees' and clicking 'Actions' > 'Manage Teams'. In the page that opens up, click the three vertical dots next to the wanted team and enter the names of teams to whom this user should become a lead. Alternatively, navigate to 'Settings' > 'Company' > 'Departments, Business Units, Divisions, Teams'. Team Leads are able to:
- See the survey analytics for their team (Their results will be included in the results of the teams they lead)
- Create and update goals for their own team (even if Super-admins disable that 'Normal Employees' users can create and update goals for their team')
'Normal' employees
All other users have no specific user rights. By default, they are the only ones who can see private feedback directed at them.
HRBPs - HR business partners
If you want to assign individual rights to view goal progress, instant feedback and meeting analytics and, review results you can navigate to the person's profile ('Company' → 'Employees' → click 'Edit' next to the person's name > 'Roles') and give them these HRBP rights either for other users or entire teams under 'Additional roles'.